Halloween Jokes Halloween Trolls Jokes-
The distinct Halloween humor can be the wonderful and nice way to enjoy this festival. for this reason we are listing here funny Halloween Jokes & Trolls along with Halloween Day Memes Quotes and Sayings 2017 for you. Also I was offered here "Halloween Whatsapp Status Quotes Message Wishes SMS for facebook twitter" and "Halloween Day Costume Sale Discount and best offfers 2017 On Amazon.com" on my previous article of happy Halloween Day.
The Haunted occasion of Halloween day is celebrate on the various parts of the world with funfare and great Joy. Halloween Day is mainly dedicated for dead such as hollows, all the faithful believers and martyrs. It is widely believed that many Halloween traditions originated from Celtic harvest festivals which may have pagan roots, particularly the Gaelic festival Samhain, and that this festival was Christianized as Halloween. Some academics, however, support the view that Halloween began independently as a solely Christian holiday. Halloween costumes are traditionally modeled after supernatural figures such as vampires, monsters, ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils. Over time, in the United States the costume selection extended to include popular characters from fiction, celebrities, and generic archetypes such as ninjas and princesses.
Playing some funny games, and adding some new spooky tricks sending Halloween Jokes trolls to each others add some extra fervor with the extensive variety of humor that associated with the Halloween Feast. Here in this post you can find some best Funny jokes trolls of Happy Halloween along with Halloween Memes and Happy Halloween Day Quotes & sayings 2017.
Q: Why did the skeleton cross the road?
A: To get to the body shop.
Q: Why didn’t the skeleton go to the ball?
A: Because he had no BODY to go with.
Q: What did the little girl say when she had to choose between a tricycle and a candy bar?
A: “Trike or Treat”?
Q: What do you call a fat pumpkin?
A: A plumpkin.
Q: What room does a ghost not need?
A: A living room!
Q: Why are ghosts so bad at lying?
A: Because you can see right through them!
Q: Who did Frankenstein take to the dance?
A: His “ghoul” friend!
Q: Why do ghosts and demons get along so well?
A: Because demons are a ghosts best friend forever!
Q: What do birds give out on Halloween?
A: Tweets!
Q: How do you mend a broken Jack-o-lantern?
A: With a orange pumpkin patch!
Q: How do you know your doctor is a vampire?
A: He draws your blood from your neck with a straw!
Q: What do blondes and Jack-O-Lanterns have in common?
A: Both have blank smiling expressions and are hollow inside!
Q: Why do witches need to wear name tags?
A: So, they would know which witch is which!
Q: What is the largest building in Transylvania?
A: The Vampire State Building!
Q: What do you do with a very green monster?
A: Wait until it ripens!
Q: What happened to the guy who couldn’t keep up payments to his exorcist?
A: He was repossessed, again!
Q: Why doesn’t anyone like Count Dracula?
A: He’s a real pain in the neck!
Q: Why did the witches have to cancel their baseball game?
A: Because they ran out of bats!
Q: What goes Ha-ha-ha-ha!, thud!!! and keeps laughing?
A: A monster laughing it’s head off!
Q: What do you call a man who lures women into his place and turns them into ghastly freaks?
A: A 1980’s hairdresser!
Q: How do vampires get around?
A: In their bloody mobiles!
Q: How many witches does it take to change a LED light bulb?
A: Depends on what you want to change it into!!
Q: When does a spooky skeleton laugh?
A: When something tickles his funny bone!
Q: What is Dracula’s favorite position in baseball?
A: Batboy!
Q: Who did the scary ghost invite to his party?
A: Any old friend he could dig up!
Q: What did one little girl ghost say to other little girl ghost?
A: Do you believe we use to be people?
Q: How do ugly witches tell time?
A: With a witch watch!
Q: What does a cute baby bat say before going to bed?
A: Turn on the dark! I’m afraid of the light!
Q: Do spooky scary monsters eat hot popcorn with their fingers?
A: NO, they eat some poor guys fingers separately!
Q: How do you upset a blood sucking vampire?
A: Go to his house and install a large skylight!
Q: What kind of monsters like hard core rap music?
A: Mummies!
Q: Why can’t mummies go on vacation?
A: Because they’re afraid they’ll relax and unwind!
Q: How do vampires invite each other out for lunch?
A: Do you want to go for a bite?
Q: What kind of shoes do baby ghosts wear?
A: Boo-ties!
Q: Who is the Dracula’s super hero girl friend?
A: Bat Ghoul!
Q: Why did Dracula have to go to jail?
A: Because he robbed the blood bank dry!
Q: Why is Superman’s costume so tight?
A: Because he wears a size “S”.
Q: What do ghosts use to wash their hair?
A: Shamboo!
Q. Why did the skeleton go disco dancing?
A. to see the boogy man.
Q. What do witches use in their hair?
A. scare-spray
Q. What do you call a little monsters parents
A. mummy and deady
Q. What do you get when you cross a black cat with a lemon.
A. sour-puss
Q. How do you scare a mummy
A. with a yummy dummy in a crash test crummy.
Q. What do you get when you cross a vampire with the internet?
A. blood-thirsty hacker baby
Q. What do you get when you cross a pumpkin with a skwaush?
A. a squashed pumpkin pie.
Q. Why do ghosts shiver and moan?
A. It's drafty under that sheet.
Q. What instrument do skeleton play?
A: Trom-BONE.
Q. What do ghosts eat for breakfast?
A. Boo-Berries.
Q. What is a vampires favorite place on the web?
A. www.halloweendayquotes.net!
Q: Why did't the skeleton cross the road?
A: He had no guts.
Q. Why do vampires scare people?
A. They are bored to death!
Q. How can you tell a vampire likes baseball?
A. Every night he turns into a bat.
Q. What's it like to be kissed by a vampire?
A. It's a pain in the neck.
Q. How can you tell when a vampire has been in a bakery?
A. All the jelly has been sucked out of the jelly doughnuts.
The distinct Halloween humor can be the wonderful and nice way to enjoy this festival. for this reason we are listing here funny Halloween Jokes & Trolls along with Halloween Day Memes Quotes and Sayings 2017 for you. Also I was offered here "Halloween Whatsapp Status Quotes Message Wishes SMS for facebook twitter" and "Halloween Day Costume Sale Discount and best offfers 2017 On Amazon.com" on my previous article of happy Halloween Day.
The Haunted occasion of Halloween day is celebrate on the various parts of the world with funfare and great Joy. Halloween Day is mainly dedicated for dead such as hollows, all the faithful believers and martyrs. It is widely believed that many Halloween traditions originated from Celtic harvest festivals which may have pagan roots, particularly the Gaelic festival Samhain, and that this festival was Christianized as Halloween. Some academics, however, support the view that Halloween began independently as a solely Christian holiday. Halloween costumes are traditionally modeled after supernatural figures such as vampires, monsters, ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils. Over time, in the United States the costume selection extended to include popular characters from fiction, celebrities, and generic archetypes such as ninjas and princesses.
Playing some funny games, and adding some new spooky tricks sending Halloween Jokes trolls to each others add some extra fervor with the extensive variety of humor that associated with the Halloween Feast. Here in this post you can find some best Funny jokes trolls of Happy Halloween along with Halloween Memes and Happy Halloween Day Quotes & sayings 2017.
Funny Halloween Jokes, Trolls, Memes, Quotes, Sayings-
Happy Halloween Day Jokes Trolls 2017-
Q: Why did the skeleton cross the road?
A: To get to the body shop.
Q: Why didn’t the skeleton go to the ball?
A: Because he had no BODY to go with.
Q: What did the little girl say when she had to choose between a tricycle and a candy bar?
A: “Trike or Treat”?
Q: What do you call a fat pumpkin?
A: A plumpkin.
Q: What room does a ghost not need?
A: A living room!
Q: Why are ghosts so bad at lying?
A: Because you can see right through them!
Q: Who did Frankenstein take to the dance?
A: His “ghoul” friend!
Q: Why do ghosts and demons get along so well?
A: Because demons are a ghosts best friend forever!
Q: What do birds give out on Halloween?
A: Tweets!
Q: How do you mend a broken Jack-o-lantern?
A: With a orange pumpkin patch!
Q: How do you know your doctor is a vampire?
A: He draws your blood from your neck with a straw!
Q: What do blondes and Jack-O-Lanterns have in common?
A: Both have blank smiling expressions and are hollow inside!
Q: Why do witches need to wear name tags?
A: So, they would know which witch is which!
Q: What is the largest building in Transylvania?
A: The Vampire State Building!
Q: What do you do with a very green monster?
A: Wait until it ripens!
Q: What happened to the guy who couldn’t keep up payments to his exorcist?
A: He was repossessed, again!
Q: Why doesn’t anyone like Count Dracula?
A: He’s a real pain in the neck!
Q: Why did the witches have to cancel their baseball game?
A: Because they ran out of bats!
Q: What goes Ha-ha-ha-ha!, thud!!! and keeps laughing?
A: A monster laughing it’s head off!
Q: What do you call a man who lures women into his place and turns them into ghastly freaks?
A: A 1980’s hairdresser!
Q: How do vampires get around?
A: In their bloody mobiles!
Q: How many witches does it take to change a LED light bulb?
A: Depends on what you want to change it into!!
Q: When does a spooky skeleton laugh?
A: When something tickles his funny bone!
Q: What is Dracula’s favorite position in baseball?
A: Batboy!
Q: Who did the scary ghost invite to his party?
A: Any old friend he could dig up!
Q: What did one little girl ghost say to other little girl ghost?
A: Do you believe we use to be people?
Q: How do ugly witches tell time?
A: With a witch watch!
Q: What does a cute baby bat say before going to bed?
A: Turn on the dark! I’m afraid of the light!
Q: Do spooky scary monsters eat hot popcorn with their fingers?
A: NO, they eat some poor guys fingers separately!
Q: How do you upset a blood sucking vampire?
A: Go to his house and install a large skylight!
Q: What kind of monsters like hard core rap music?
A: Mummies!
Q: Why can’t mummies go on vacation?
A: Because they’re afraid they’ll relax and unwind!
Q: How do vampires invite each other out for lunch?
A: Do you want to go for a bite?
Q: What kind of shoes do baby ghosts wear?
A: Boo-ties!
Q: Who is the Dracula’s super hero girl friend?
A: Bat Ghoul!
Q: Why did Dracula have to go to jail?
A: Because he robbed the blood bank dry!
Q: Why is Superman’s costume so tight?
A: Because he wears a size “S”.
Q: What do ghosts use to wash their hair?
A: Shamboo!
Q. Why did the skeleton go disco dancing?
A. to see the boogy man.
Q. What do witches use in their hair?
A. scare-spray
Q. What do you call a little monsters parents
A. mummy and deady
Q. What do you get when you cross a black cat with a lemon.
A. sour-puss
Q. How do you scare a mummy
A. with a yummy dummy in a crash test crummy.
Q. What do you get when you cross a vampire with the internet?
A. blood-thirsty hacker baby
Q. What do you get when you cross a pumpkin with a skwaush?
A. a squashed pumpkin pie.
Q. Why do ghosts shiver and moan?
A. It's drafty under that sheet.
Q. What instrument do skeleton play?
A: Trom-BONE.
Q. What do ghosts eat for breakfast?
A. Boo-Berries.
Q. What is a vampires favorite place on the web?
A. www.halloweendayquotes.net!
Q: Why did't the skeleton cross the road?
A: He had no guts.
Q. Why do vampires scare people?
A. They are bored to death!
Q. How can you tell a vampire likes baseball?
A. Every night he turns into a bat.
Q. What's it like to be kissed by a vampire?
A. It's a pain in the neck.
Q. How can you tell when a vampire has been in a bakery?
A. All the jelly has been sucked out of the jelly doughnuts.
Happy Halloween Day Funny Memes -
Happy Halloween Day Funny Quotes Sayings -
f I'm lazy and I can't come up with a costume, I would just wear a slip and write 'Freudian' on it.
- Julia Stiles
If you’re in Alabama, don’t dress up as a nun, priest or rabbi for Halloween. Impersonating “a minister of any religion” is punishable by fine or jail.
- Nina Vizcarrondo, in Time
When I was 12, I went as my mother for Halloween. I put on a pair of heels, went door to door, and criticized what everyone else was wearing.
- Robin Bach
My wife likes to dress up like a witch for Halloween. Same as every other day.
- Anonymous
My version of a haunted house is hitting yes when an ATM asks me if I'd like to see my balance.
- Damien Fahey @DamienFahey
I'm going to be "Mom who abandoned her family and fled to Mexico with a new identity" for Halloween. Too bad my kids won't get to see it.
- Tara Brown @Faux_Ma
The only thing that really scares me about Halloween is running out of candy.
- Melanie White
I think my mother-in-law is the only person who dresses up on Halloween – just so she won’t scare the kids.
- Melanie White
You know what’s scary? When your wife dresses up like a witch and still worries about her makeup being perfect.
- Melanie White
I’m practicing my zombie role for the upcoming Halloween on my subordinates at work.
You don’t look that scary anymore when you dress that scary zombie costume.
Taping your balls between your legs does not count to be a Halloween costume.
I have to confess, no Halloween costume could ever creep me out as much as your regular attire.
My wife likes to dress up like a witch for Halloween. Same as every other day.
- Anonymous
It's that wonderful time of year again when the spiderwebs I've been too lazy to clean become functional decorations.
- Andy H. @AndyAsAdjective
I have to be honest. I don't really look forward to Halloween as much as November 1st. November 1st should be named "Discount Candy Day."
- Theresa Weaver
So these are the best Halloween Jokes, Happy Halloween Trolls, Halloween Quotes & sayings 2016 and Happy Halloween Quotes 2017. Hope you guys have enjoy reading this page. fee free to share this page with your friends relatives and other best ones. Happy Halloween !!!!!!!!!!!!!
So these are the best Halloween Jokes, Happy Halloween Trolls, Halloween Quotes & sayings 2016 and Happy Halloween Quotes 2017. Hope you guys have enjoy reading this page. fee free to share this page with your friends relatives and other best ones. Happy Halloween !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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