Thursday, March 23, 2017

April fool day Funny wishes Jokes for boyfriend girlfriend

April fool day Funny wishes Jokes for boyfriend girlfriend: Hey there welcome back to the most funny blog of all fool’s day festival. There are only few days are remaining for this big festival. And i know you are not prepared as boyfriend and girlfriend. Responsible boyfriend/ girlfriend should care about his/her loved one. So if you are wanting to responsible and good boyfriend and girlfriend then you should read this post carefully and wish your lover with this jokes and wishes.i know you can impress easily to your lover by this funny jokes. Anyway in my previous article i shared April fool’s day greetings | Happy april fool greetings card for men and women and i hope you enjoyed that and here i collected some awesome wishes and jokes of all fool’s day for gf bf wife and husband.

April fool day Funny wishes Jokes for boyfriend girlfriend
all fool's day Funny wishes Jokes for bf gf  

April fool day Funny wishes Jokes for boyfriend girlfriend

By the way here i listed good stuff and if you have any question then leave a comment below or else leave a message to us by contact us form. Share this artile on social media like facebook, whatsapp , twitter, isntagram, linkedin, reddit, digg, stumble open, medium , tumblr , pinterest and google plus. God bye.

Funny wishes and jokes for lovers ( couples )

Banta: Which is the best day to propose a girl?
Santa: April 1
Banta: Why?
If she accept it's your luck. Otherwise just say, April Fool! April Fool! April Fool! april fool day funny jokes

Some things are made for each other. For example:
Shoe & Socks;
Soap & Water;
Paper & Pen;
I & your girlfriend  april fool funny jokes in hindi

April Fool is a very special day because you can lie as much as you can.
Every prank, sms, msgs is heartily accepted & no complaint shall ever be made! funny april fools day jokes to play on your boyfriend

Banta: Which is the best day to propose a girl?
Santa: April 1
Banta: Why?
If she accept it's your luck. Otherwise just say, April Fool! April Fool! April Fool! funny april fools day jokes to play on teachers

Some things are made for each other. For example:
Shoe & Socks;
Soap & Water;
Paper & Pen;
I & your girlfriend  funny april fools day jokes for boyfriend

April Fool is a very special day because you can lie as much as you can.
Every prank, sms, msgs is heartily accepted & no complaint shall ever be made! funny april fools day jokes for facebook

Dear Ms BeautiFOOL,
U are so wonderFOOL, graceFOOL, playFOOL, powerFOOL and faithFOOL.
Earlier U were really respectFOOL & had a colorFOOL nature. But off late,
U have been painFOOL and not so peaceFOOL. I wish U were careFOOL & helpFOOL.
april fools funny jokes sms

U r 20% Fantastic,
U r 20% Attractive,
U r 20% Loveable,
U r 20% Terific,
U r 20% Understandable,
Inshort U r 100% F.A.L.T.U.  
funny april fools day jokes to play on parents

Plz open this
after 1 day at thursday.
I know u can’t wait.
So Congratz.
U r d 1st FOOL of 2016.  
funny april fools day jokes for school

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. - Douglas Adams  funniest april fools day jokes

A fool may be known by six things: anger without cause; speech without profit;
Change without progress; inquiry without object; putting trust in a stranger; and
Mistaking foes for friends. 
april fool funny jokes hindi

U r very important to me,
Its impossible 4 me to live without U even 4 a second!
U r my life & I can feel U everywhere
Don't mind! I am talking about oxygen.
funny jokes on april fool day in hindi

U R the one who is Handsome
U R the one who is Intelligent
U R the one who is Smart
And I am the One who is spreading these Rumours.  
funny jokes on april fool day


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