April fool day status for facebook
whatsapp instagram :Hi there here i gathered some
best stuff for you but first you know now only few times to go for all
fool’s day. So if you are not prepared
yet then i will help you but as a social media user you need to prepare for
social media on this april fool. If you want birght future then laughing is
important for you. Without laugh you cannot be happy in life. Anyway visit my
previous article, April
Fool Day Pictures Wallpapers Songs And Video To listen, watch and read
about april fool. By the way here i collected some april fool’s day awesome status
for facebook whatsapp and instagram so also grab it from below.
April fool day Status for facebook whatsapp instagram
Share this
article on social media like facebook, whatsapp, twitter, instagram, linkedin,
reddit, dig, stumble open, medium, tumblr, pinterest and google plus. Keep visiting
and keep reading. Thank you all. Good bye.
Beautiful fb whatsapp and instagram status for april fool
God makes a beautiful place to live, it is called Earth. God makes
hundreds of sparks that twinkle, it is called Star. God makes Torch for night,
it is called Moon. God makes a perfect person i.e. You, it is called Cartoon.
Happy April Fool Day! fool messages friends
Life is a real film which is full of: Drama - When you are
sad Suspense- When you are afraid Action - When you are angry Comedy - When you
look in mirror. Now you are smiling, That's Horror! Happy April Fools Day!
I am a Fool, I am a Fool, I am a Fool, OK OK. Now I know You are a
Fool. Happy April Fools Day! foolish whatsapp status
I really like your Honesty,Wisdom,Attitude, and Last but not
the least, your Sweet Smile on reading this false praise for you. Happy April
Fools Day!
Hello Dear, Through this special invitation, I want to invite you
for my marriage on this 31st April. Your presence is must because all fools are
invited. april fool whatsapp trick
I want to say a very special thing to you, "I Like
You". But more than this I like this talent to fool you. Happy April Fools
You are the most BEAUTIFOOL, WONDERFOOL and COLORFOOL amongst all
FOOL'S. making
fool sms
If you are not fool then press F13. Happy April Fools
Happy April Fools Day! May these smiles and Happiness continues
for this full year..... april fool msg for whatsapp
Happy April Fool Day! From One Fool To Another. prank
messages for friends
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