Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy april fool’s day 2017 dirty and knock knock jokes [Hot pranks]

Happy april fool’s day 2017 dirty and knock knock jokes: hey there welcome back to the super blog of all fool day. Today i want to share something new with you. Our all friends like this post because this is a special post for youngsters and also for other people. Anyway forget about it. I want to give you all things about this festival. If you are looking for hot jokes for your girlfriend then this is the right place for you. Also check my previous article Happy april fool’s day 2017 coloring pages [all fool’s day] because i have shared another best stuff there.

Happy april fool’s day 2017 dirty and knock knock jokes [Hot pranks]
Add april fool jokes for school

Happy april fool’s day 2017 dirty and knock knock jokes

Share this article on social media like facebook whatsapp twitter instagram linkedin reddti digg stumble open medium tumblr pinterest and google plus thanxall and have a wonderful day to all my readers and visitors and also other people of the earth.

Awesome all fool’s day jokes and hot pranks for friends

Happy april fool’s day 2017 dirty and knock knock jokes [Hot pranks]\
april fool jokes for the office

Banta: Which is the best day to propose a girl?
Santa: April 1
Banta: Why?
If she accept it's your luck. Otherwise just say, April Fool! April Fool! April Fool!

Some things are made for each other. For example:
Shoe & Socks;
Soap & Water;
Paper & Pen;
I & your girlfriend 

April Fool is a very special day because you can lie as much as you can.
Every prank, sms, msgs is heartily accepted & no complaint shall ever be made!

Happy april fool’s day 2017 dirty and knock knock jokes [Hot pranks]
a good april fools jokes through text

Dear Friend,
I am surprised at your wit, your intellect, your wisdom and your knowledge.
But more importantly, I am surprised at my false praise of you!

Dear Ms BeautiFOOL,
U are so wonderFOOL, graceFOOL, playFOOL, powerFOOL and faithFOOL.
Earlier U were really respectFOOL & had a colorFOOL nature. But off late,
U have been painFOOL and not so peaceFOOL. I wish U were careFOOL & helpFOOL.

April Fool 

Dear Friend,
I am surprised at your wit, your intellect, your wisdom and your knowledge.
But more importantly, I am surprised at my false praise of you!

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Happy april fool’s day 2017 dirty and knock knock jokes [Hot pranks]
a list of april fools jokes
Dear Ms BeautiFOOL,
U are so wonderFOOL, graceFOOL, playFOOL, powerFOOL and faithFOOL.
Earlier U were really respectFOOL & had a colorFOOL nature. But off late,
U have been painFOOL and not so peaceFOOL. I wish U were careFOOL & helpFOOL.

Long time ago, only fools used to read my sms, and today
the history continues.

U are a BITCH
r u smiling now?

april fools pranks for friends

Happy april fool’s day 2017 dirty and knock knock jokes [Hot pranks]
april fools jokes deadlinecaption

Plz open this
after 2 days at saturday.
I know u can't wait.
So Congratz.
U r a 1st FOOL of 2017.
April Fool in Advance

Plz go to creat message
Then type this number & see the magic

Just a friendly reminder -
Relationships are precious,
do not hurt them by fooling
and lying on first April / April Fool. 

april fools pranks for school

Happy april fool’s day 2017 dirty and knock knock jokes [Hot pranks]
famly friendly all fool's day pranks

31st March Or 1st april
Fool is Fool dosnt matter.
Wishing very happy, prosperous and joyful
Fool Day to the King of Fools.. :)

I am a fool;
I am a fool;
I am a fool;
OK OK Cool; I agree U, are a fool. Now Control urself.
April fool wishes to the cutest fool!


Storms die;
Songs fade;
Flowers wither;
Misfortune ends;
Great parties finish.
But people like you remain forever... because ghosts never die!

prank ideas for friends

Happy april fool’s day 2017 dirty and knock knock jokes [Hot pranks]
april fool's

U r 20% Fantastic,
U r 20% Attractive,
U r 20% Loveable,
U r 20% Terific,
U r 20% Understandable,
Inshort U r 100% F.A.L.T.U.

Plz open this
after 1 day at thursday.
I know u can’t wait.
So Congratz.
U r d 1st FOOL of 2016.

A recent study has proved that
Fools use their thumb while reading SMS.
Now it’s too late,
Don’t try to change your finger!
Try to catch some other fool!

funny prank ideas at home

Happy april fool’s day 2017 dirty and knock knock jokes [Hot pranks]
april fool banaya song

U r very important to me,
Its impossible 4 me to live without U even 4 a second!
U r my life & I can feel U everywhere
Don't mind! I am talking about oxygen.


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