facebook whatsapp status for Australia
day 2017 : hi friends
I hope you are enjoying very well of Australia day. Here I have question for
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workers and why not you must love your social workers because they were do
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enjoyed that. Please also visit our previous article 30+
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Facebook whatsapp status of Australia day 2017
"In Australia,not reading poetry is
usually a national pastime.
Happy Australia Day !!! best australia day status
Australia is about
as far away as you can get.
I like that.
Wishing you Happy Australia Day !! happy australia day status
God save the Queen.
God defend New Zealand and
thank Christ for Australia.
Happy Australia Day !" best australia day statuses
“I Don’t Think Of Myself As
Either American Or Australian Really,
I’m A True Hybrid. It’s A Good Thing 4 Me
Because Both Of Them R Really Good Countries…!!!” funny australia day statuses
God bless America. God save the Queen. God defend New Zealand and thank Christ for Australia – Russell Crowe funny australia day status updates
Australia is an outdoor country. People only go inside to use the toilet. And that’s only a recent development – Barry Humphries australia day facebook statuses
To live in Australia permanently is rather like going to a party and dancing all night with one’s mother – Barry Humphries funny australia day status
The greatest and proudest moment of my life standing on the podium receiving the silver medal on behalf of myself and Australia – Graham Cheney australia day status updates
It’s definitely different in the States. Americans are much different people compared to us. We’re much more laid back. I itch to get back to Australia every summer because it’s so fast paced there and so stressful – Andrew Bogut australia day statuses
Australia is an absolutely fantastic country, but the only thing we lack is the ability to work harder – Dick Smith australia day status
I’d like to be seen as an average Australian bloke. I can’t think of… I can’t think of a nobler description of anybody than to be called an average Australian bloke – John Howard australia day status facebook
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